Welcome to Departure


The information within this carrd only contains what we are comfortable sharing to others that we are not close to. There is much more information on us that we do not wish to share.

About the Sytem

The Departure System

(Any Pronouns)

Body's Age: 22+
Current Official Headcount: 16
Quoigenic System. We feel our origin should not matter, and we do not wish to share it, regardless.



Most terms and names of places are simply what we have agreed to call them at the moment. These may change over time as we discover more about the headspace.This includes Departure's name itself, which we are currently considering changing in the near future.

About Departure

Departure (the name of our headspace) has a few key features, limitations, and rules to it. Some headmates are able to alter it (such as Happy and Callous), explore any part as they please (such as Happy [with limitations] and Curious), while others have no influence at all apart from being able to "lock" their rooms."Locking" one's room is simply just being able to prevent other headmates from entering, with only one notable exception being Curious, who can enter as she pleases.There is a mechanic of Departure unique to Happy in which goo can go to "false" or parallel versions of the other's rooms and other places, particularly if they've been locked out of that area. These "false" places are just hazier versions of the areas that seem to be entirely separate spaces in themselves.

The main areas of the headspace feature what we call the "Main Hub," which contains oval-shaped portals to the others' personal "rooms," and a "False Hub" that is parallel to the Main one. Chipper, Callous, Grump, Stalwart, and Dutiful are thus far the only ones with their own personal rooms.The "Fronting Platform" is a simple, white platform across from the Main Hub's portals where anyone who's in front or co-fronting goes.


Our headspace is much more complicated than what we have listed here, and some places change quite often. If you are ever curious about it aside from the summarized version here, feel free to ask and we may update this in the future.




A.K.A. Gooey / Oren

Lime green, hoodie

(They/Them / [Any])


Age: 19 (Not with body)
Gender: Agender
Attraction: Demisexual, Aromantic


Non-human host. Can enter headspace for brief periods of time until headaches force them back.Feels closer to 19 years old despite knowing the body's age.(Non-human) twin of Austin, little sibling of Otto, married to Cyrus in headspace. Gets along decently with Gage and has adopted Flower as a little sister. Gets along with everyone else.


A.K.A. Otto

Dark green, bowtie

([Any] with preference for She/Her)


Age: Adult
Gender: Genderless
Attraction: AroAce


Non-human co-host. Can "fuse" with Oren temporarily.Helps to manage the headspace and get new headmates settled in.Sibling of Oren but not of Austin. Gets along with just about everyone. Has a bond with Butler, who is Otto's assistant in the headspace. Has been dubbed one of the "System Parents" alongside Dedan.


A.K.A. Beep Boop OR Sterling

Light Purple, Overalls

(It/Its / They/Them)


Age: Ageless
Gender: Nonbinary
Attraction: Queer


A Gen 2 Synth fictive from Fallout 4, and one of our co-hosts.Seems to make Gage uneasy as they are from the same source and Beep Boop is a common type of enemy within that universe. Is on neutral or good terms with everyone else, particularly The Cat.


A.K.A. Alien

[No Image Yet]


Former host

Age: 22
Gender: Agender
Attraction: Queer


Previous host who has come out of dormancy.Still getting to know everyone in the system, is most familiar with Austin and Oren at the moment.


A.K.A. Austin

Light blue, sweater vest and collared shirt



Age: 22+ (with body)
Gender: Trans Masc
Attraction: AroAce


Cannot handle stress from others well.(Human) twin of Oren, gets along well with Cyrus and has adopted Flower as a little sister.


A.K.A. Cyrus

Gold, collar and vest

(He/Him / They/Them)


Age: 28
Gender: Nonbinary Man
Attraction: Arospec Asexual


Acts as an emotional suppressor / emotional manager. Also seems very aware of the headspace itself.Is a Cyrus fictive from the Pokemon series.Married to Oren in headspace and gets along well with Austin.


A.K.A. Gage

Orange, [his] right eyepatch



Age: 46
Gender: Cis Man
Attraction: Demisexual


Walk-in, believed Oren to be his boss from his source (known as Sentiment here) when he first appeared.Is a Porter Gage fictive from Fallout 4.Gets along best with Oren and Flower. Tolerates and is tolerated by everyone else. Is an Uncle-/Father-Figure to Flower.


A.K.A. Flower OR Tulip OR almost any type of flower name

Dark purple / Indigo, fairy wings


Little / Middle

Age: [Minor]
Gender: Cis Girl


Has been here the longest out of any headmates we are currently aware of/any that are active.Age fluctuates, but generally stays under 18. Is Fairykin (garden fairy specifically).Everyone in the system has more or less adopted her as the System Little Sister.


A.K.A. K-3

Teal, "headphones" with null symbol



Age: Young Adult
Gender: [Doesn't Care]


A shiny Silvally. Previously a Type:Null but evolved.Previously thought to have been a kintype of Oren's.Very close to Cyrus, Flower calls it the "big doggy." Seems rather close to Kelgar.


A.K.A. Kelgar

Blue, tail and nose horn



Age: [Old]
Gender: Female


A Smothering Smokebreath from the How To Train Your Dragon series.Previously thought to have been a kintype of Oren's.Has not interacted much with the others aside from Gage, who she gets along with. Seems to be familiar with K-3 pretty well.


A.K.A. Butler

Turquoise, four head spikes

[ Any Pronouns ]


Age: Very Old (500+)
Gender: Genderless


Otto's assistant in the headspace.Fictive of Butler from Romantically Apocalyptic.


A.K.A. Dedan

Magenta, shoulder straps

[ He/Him ]


Age: Old
Gender: Cis Man
Attraction: Gay


Walk-in, memories are slightly different from canon and goes beyond being Purified.Fictive of Dedan from OFF.Gets along decently with everyone. Is a Father-Figure to Flower and has been dubbed one of the "System Parents" alongside Otto. Gets along with Aubry and is protective of him.


A.K.A. The Cat

Red, cat ears

[ She/Her / Any ]


Age: ???
Gender: Femme
Attraction: ???


Randomly appeared within the headspace one day and has been here ever since. She is slowly being more interactive with the front.Occasionally takes on the appearance of a red woman.Has a generally neutral relationship with everyone. Is liked by Flower on a part of being a cat the majority of the time.


A.K.A. Gummigoo

[No design yet]

[ He/Him ]


Age: Adult
Gender: Masc
Attraction: ???


Fairly new to headspace, somewhat canon-divergent.Has a generally neutral relationship with everyone.


A.K.A. Aubry The Author

[No design yet]

[ He/Him / She/Her]


Age: Adult
Gender: Bigender
Attraction: ???


Fairly new to headspace, still learning about him.Is a fictive of an Elsen from OFF.Has a generally neutral relationship with everyone. Gets along well with Dedan.


A.K.A. Reinhardt Wilhelm

[No Image Yet]

[ He/Him]


Age: Adult
Gender: Cis Male
Attraction: "None"


Fairly new to headspace, still learning about him.Is a fictive of Reinhardt from Overwatch.Generally neutral towards everyone. Is a sparring buddy with Dedan.

NPCs / Extras

This is a list of headmates who've appeared at some point within the headspace, but have not interacted with the front at all yet, or we have not interacted with them in headspace enough to be able to write a bio on them.Some of them are what we refer to as "Hollow," in which they will consistently appear within headspace and move around, but do not speak or seem sentient.The primary indicator for being on this list is not having interacted with the front at all.

NamePossible PronounsInfo
VigilantHe/TheyAn introject of one of Oren's comfort characters. Briefly appeared in Austin's room when Oren first discovered Departure. Wasn't fully there but simply observed for a brief amount of time before disappearing entirely. Hasn't been seen or sensed since.
SentimentThey/ThemManifested by Oren specifically for Gage, hasn't made any appearances outside of his room and is still hollow. Regardless, Gage seems content with having them around.
[Unnamed]He/ItA Crobat that randomly formed. Mainly sticks around the Hub. Cyrus is fond of him as it reminds him of his own Crobat.

Before You Follow

Do Not Interract If You:

  • Are anti-endo and/or anti-tulpa

  • Are Anti-LGBT+ in any way (this includes, but is not limited to, if you are aphobic, biphobic, panphobic, transphobic, anti-enby, anti-neopronouns, etc.)


  • Are a Proshipper

  • Are a Pedophile, MAP, NOMAP, P.E.A.R and/or is someone who supports these people

  • Ship/Support Incest

  • Selfiship with or ship IRL people and/or support people who do

  • Are Racist / Don't believe Black Lives Matter

  • Are Ableist

  • Are a Nazi / support Nazis

Things To Know

  • We are a system who is very new to the plural community, so we are still learning the etiquette and proper terms and do not mean any offense if we accidentally say something that is incorrect, ignorant, or out-dated.

  • We are a Quoigenic system, as we feel our origin should not matter and we do not wish to share it, regardless.

  • Though we are not comfortable sharing our names, we still may mention who our fictives within the system are. Passed that, we will only refer to ourselves as the names listed in this carrd. (If you know what our names actually are if they aren't listed here, please respect that some of us do not wish to have our real names revealed on this blog.)

  • Please know that I (Happy, the current host) am very protective of our littles/middles and will not tolerate any negative or harmful intentions towards them. We have listed them because they are a part of our little family and want them to feel as welcome to use this blog as any other headmate. (With supervision, of course.)

Note from the Current Host (Happy):

I've known for certain that I was plural since December 2022, though I've likely been plural since 2016 if not earlier since there are places in the headspace I vividly recognize from that time, and is when Chipper first began speaking on his own.I've shown signs of dissociating as early as 6 years old, though I'm uncertain if this is directly tied to my plurality or not, but it is something I've noticed myself sometimes and is possibly why I'm able to enter headspace so easily.